Top 10 MUST HAVE WordPress Plugins

Posted Posted by Japster in Blog     Comments 1 comment

Below are a few of my favorite plugins I invariably use almost every site transfer.

  1. Akamai – By far the best spam blocking plugin out there.  You can get it for free on your personal blog, but throw them a few bucks at least for their hard work.
  2. Digg Digg – A cool social plugin that is clean and easy to integrate
  3. WP-DB-Backup – Backup your site automatically on a weekly schedule with this plugin. Always be ready for that asteroid
  4. WPTouch – This adds a sleek/stylish mobile (iOS) looking view to your site when mobile viewers hit your site
  5. Theme Test Drive – If you’ve ever wanted to test a new theme out or setup a new theme without screwing up your current users, this plugin is for you
  6. WP sIFR – Use any font anywhere on your site.  The load time is a little slow, but worth it if you’re going for a certain look with your fonts
  7. Permalink Finder Plugin – An excellent tool for anyone who has recently converted to blogger and may have some strange permalinks that need auto-redirecting to the new wordpress structure to find the post
  8. Search Regex – Allows users to search and replace the entire database or use regular expressions to search on
  9. Broken Link Checker – Monitors your site and warns the admin of any broken links that may occur
  10. Levels2Categories – Great for multi-user setup by site admin to allow only users with a defined level to be able to post on a chosen category


1 Comment to “Top 10 MUST HAVE WordPress Plugins”

  • thanks JP! — adding 1 very important one now… a little back-up is always good!! :)

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