Running a Plain Jane Giveaway

Posted Posted by Japster in Blog     Comments 2 comments

I’ve been lazy lately and it’s been hotter than two hamsters farting into a wool sock outside this past summer.  Living near the equator has it’s up sides, but summer isn’t one of them.  So I’m asking you to help get me motivated!

I’m going to run a giveaway (pun?) that is very simple.  Whoever gets the most miles in 30 days, wins.   Please connect with me using runkeeper: or using Nike+.  You can download the runkeeper or Nike+ app with your smartphone (iPhone, Android, WiMo) or manually track your miles through the web-app (be an honest duck).

The race will begin tracking miles ran from the stroke of dawn on Saturday Sept 17th – midnight October 16th.

The winner will get the Plain Jane Package!  The winner should be fairly obvious, but I will announce it the next day.

If you are already on WP, then you can do a giveaway of the Plain Jane package ( if you are the winner.

As always, you can find me on twitter @Japster24 or @japsterinc .  On your mark, get set…

2 Comments to “Running a Plain Jane Giveaway”

  • I’m in. #thatswhathesaid

  • i should stop by more — i could have won your giveaway man! :) :)

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